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The Business Bric-A-Brac Shop

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A rambling collection of Business and Applied Business resources, with some whole school and curriculum admin bits drizzled on top for good measure




A rambling collection of Business and Applied Business resources, with some whole school and curriculum admin bits drizzled on top for good measure
BUSS3 Finance in a Nutshell Revision Sheets

BUSS3 Finance in a Nutshell Revision Sheets

A series of printable summaries - if done on a double sided print out each on e is double sided. Summaries key meaning, and features exam tips for BUSS3! Download includes : Balance Sheet in a Nutshell Income Statement in a Nutshell Investment Appraisal in a Nutshell Liquidity Ratios in a Nutshell Shareholders Ratios in a Nutshell Efficiency Ratios in a Nutshell (Does not include Profitability as this is an AS concept)
GCSE Business (Edexcel) Unit 1 Mindmaps

GCSE Business (Edexcel) Unit 1 Mindmaps

Exactly what it says in the title! In PPT format so that they can be tweaked or repurposed - the mindmap itself is an image however. If there are any errors let me know, they have been checked but you never know! Designed not to be fully comprehensive as I use them as a wall display - they could form the basis of a starting point for student notes.
GCSE Business (Edexcel) Unit 3 Mindmaps

GCSE Business (Edexcel) Unit 3 Mindmaps

Exactly what it says in the title - this is for the 'Building a Business' unit. In PPT format so that they can be tweaked or repurposed - the mindmap itself is an image however. If there are any errors let me know, they have been checked but you never know! Designed not to be fully comprehensive as I use them as a wall display - they could form the basis of a starting point for student notes.
GCSE Business Revision Game (Edexcel 5BS01)

GCSE Business Revision Game (Edexcel 5BS01)

A PowerPoint based quiz. Click on the number to select a random question (based on past papers) - once finished, click on the man and you come back to the number board to go again (the already chosen numbers fade out). Simple. You can use this as one at a time "pick a number challenge"; "teams challenge" etc... All slides can be edited to change the questions - you can add what ever you like; as long as the number board and man are not deleted you can put what ever you like on the slides. Perhaps make the colours relevant to more and less able students, or for different sub modules within the course. The options are boundless. Feel free to use and modify as you see fit.
BS03 Applied Business Pre-release: Focus on Research Task B

BS03 Applied Business Pre-release: Focus on Research Task B

A deconstruction of the SYS case study ahead of the May 2016 pre-release exam based on Store-Your-Stuff. Research task B asks students to "Investigate the main issues that a business may consider before deciding whether or not to undertake a major expansion." This resource looks at a SWOT analysis of the business as it looks to expand into Birmingham. Tips, facts and opinion on a single page summary to support revision and consolidate learning.
BS03 Applied Business Pre-release: Focus on Financial Management

BS03 Applied Business Pre-release: Focus on Financial Management

A deconstruction of the financial position of SYS and the key features relevant to addressing the number crunching bits of the case study ahead of the May 2016 pre-release exam based on Store-Your-Stuff. Tips, facts and opinion on a single page summary to support revision and consolidate learning.
BS03 Applied Business Pre-release: Focus on Business Planning

BS03 Applied Business Pre-release: Focus on Business Planning

A deconstruction of the importance for Matt, Abdul and Sara of Business Planning ahead of the proposed expansion into Birmingham for the May 2016 pre-release exam based on Store-Your-Stuff. This topic relates to the first pre-release research theme. Tips, facts and opinion on a single page summary to support revision and consolidate learning.
Exam Pack - Unit 12 AQA A2 Applied Business  (BS12)

Exam Pack - Unit 12 AQA A2 Applied Business (BS12)

An editable exam pack that features the following ; An overview of the exam (including dates, structure, timing and key tips) Breakdown of levels of response marks in BS12, and how to achieve them* A list of common trigger words to show exam skills required in responses* Outline revision strategies* A learning styles questionnaire and suggested strategies to suit based on VAK learning styles* Revision Activities All past paper case studies and questions dating back to January 2007 (14 papers) [*Please note: These features are common to other exam packs I have uploaded]
A simple little Break-Even calculator

A simple little Break-Even calculator

Exactly as the title says. This simple Excel spreadsheet allows a student to plug in some fixed costs, variable costs and a selling price to see what the breakeven level of output would be. Use it as a demonstration to show what happens in real time if costs / revenues change, or as a tool to support students in analysing break even where performing the calcualations is not necessary. The first tab is an example (as seen in the image) with explanations/instructions that teachers/students can refer to. The second tab is a fill-in sheet to build your own! Oh, the example tab (as per the image) is locked to try to stop students accidentally breaking it - but there is no password!
GCSE Business Exam Skills Lessons

GCSE Business Exam Skills Lessons

Resources to help deliver the principles of 'Knowledge, Application, Analysis and Evaluation' at GCSE Business Studies. The resources are designed to be fun and engaging, and meet a range of learning styles. Student notes to accompany each presentation with space for activities to be recorded are included. Although this resource supports Edexcel 5BS03, I deliver it in year 10 to be able to get my classes writing effectively early. As such you may want to tweak the subject of questions to suit. Each resource can be edited fully to meet a groups needs, and I have included notes at the foot of each resource to explain how they are intended to be used, including how to run the range of activities each is reinforced with. I would recommend reading the notes at the bottom of each slide beforehand to know when sugar paper, scissors glue and cut-ups need to be pre-prepared! The two presentations (33 slides) cover approximately three hours of learning; I delivered the assessment objectives PowerPoint over two one hour lessons. The model answer provided is based on a case study in the 'Unit 1: Introduction to Business' book - ISBN 978-1-8469-0496-7.
AS/A2 Business Writing Frame

AS/A2 Business Writing Frame

A simple framework structure for student to follow which outlines the structure required for differing types of question. The resource can be adapted for other subjects too, the example here is used for AO1 - Knowledge; AO2 - Application; AO3 - Analysis and AO4 - Evaluation. The number of arguments may be developed for example for a 18 or 34 mark question - but the basic structure stays the same.
Cash Flow Illustration Video Clips

Cash Flow Illustration Video Clips

Four short video clips (between 3 and 14 seconds each) to illustrate different features of cash flow. The animated clips use the analogy of water in a bath to explain how cash flows into and out of a business. They could be embedded in a PowerPoint, or used as stand alone clips. They do not contain any sound.
Social Science A Level Subject Knowledge Audits

Social Science A Level Subject Knowledge Audits

A set of five teacher "Subject Knowledge Audits" for the A level (Sept 2015 onwards) 'Social Science' subjects; Business (AQA 7132) Computer Science (OCR H446) Economics (AQA 7136) Psychology (AQA 7182) Sociology (AQA 7192) These have been produced to allow a RAG+ rating of all aspects of the A level curriculum coverage of each specification in a self-calculating spread sheet optimised for printing if required. A rating is entered as a number 1,2,3,4, or 5 against each element. The 'Analysis' tab compiles all of the information onto one page to allow; an overview of CPD need; identification of delivery responsibility and inform subject priority. The RAG+ rating (which can be edited) defines as: 5 (Purple) I have expertise in this topic; I would be confident to provide CPD in this area; I know how to deliver this content to allow students to confidently access full marks in exams. 4 (Blue) I have very secure subject knowledge in this area; I know how this topic area will be assessed in exams 3 (Green) I understand the key features of this topic, but would need to spend some time brushing up on aspects before delivering it; I would welcome chance to discuss this topic in the department to clarify some points; I have not taught this topic before, and may not be able to answer some student questions. 2 (Amber) I have an outline understanding of the topic but would need support to feel confident enough to teach it; I would feel uncomfortable if students asked stretching questions in this area. 1 (Red) I am unfamiliar with this topic, and would not be able to deliver it without significant preparation which may include internal/external support. Teachers can add comments against each section when a RAG+ rating does not allow a representative picture. The two images in the files section will give you a preview of a completed audit for Business.
GCSE Business: getting confident with finance terms lesson activities

GCSE Business: getting confident with finance terms lesson activities

GSCE Business Unit 1 (Edexcel) Number Crunching & Key Terms Lesson A little something that I have put together for my year 10's to improve their confidence with some of the finance concepts taught in the "Putting the Business Idea Into Practice" topic. The PowerPoint features an interactive 'Countdown' numbers game as a starter to get students used to crunching numbers in a business lesson. Calculators at your discretion - the plan is to build confidence!! The game is interactive; 1. Click on six numbers from the bottom to pick the numbers that can be +-*/'d - they will appear automatically. 2. Click on the black total box at the top for the target number to appear (you can tweek this). 3. Press the speaker to start the embedded music Countdown for 30's (the clock is NOT animated!) *** Please note that if the three digit target number does not display properly you may need to change the font used*** It then segways into key term bingo! The instructions are on the slide - you just read out random definitions for them to match with the terms. You may want a couple of prizes to give out! I then used the hand out for the rest of the lesson. It is designed to last 45m to an hour. You could certainly add to the tasks to make it longer, or skip some to make it shorter.
Exam Pack - Unit 11 AQA A2 Applied Business  (BS11)

Exam Pack - Unit 11 AQA A2 Applied Business (BS11)

An editable exam pack that features the following ; An overview of the exam (including dates, structure, timing and key tips) Breakdown of levels of response marks in BS11, and how to achieve them* A list of common trigger words to show exam skills required in responses* Outline revision strategies* A learning styles questionnaire and suggested strategies to suit based on VAK learning styles* Revision Activities All past paper case studies and questions dating back to June 2007 (11 papers) [*Please note: These features are common to other exam packs I have uploaded]
Exam Pack - Unit 4 AQA AS Applied Business (BS04)

Exam Pack - Unit 4 AQA AS Applied Business (BS04)

An editable exam pack that features the following ; An overview of the exam (including dates, structure, timing and key tips) Breakdown of levels of response marks in BS04, and how to achieve them* A list of common trigger words to show exam skills required in responses* Outline revision strategies* A learning styles questionnaire and suggested strategies to suit based on VAK learning styles* Revision Activities All past paper case studies and questions dating back to January 2007 (12 papers) [*Please note: These features are common to other exam packs I have uploaded]